Exposure and Quarantine Policy Changes


In alignment with evolving L.A. County Public Health and Cal/OSHA protocols, the university has updated its COVID-19 policy for close contacts of a positive case and quarantine.

If you are identified as a close contact but are not experiencing symptoms, you are no longer required to quarantine, regardless of vaccination status. You are, however, required to mask through day 10 and test once during days 3-5. Per Cal/OSHA, you may not return to LMU if you are non-compliant with the testing requirement. If you are a close contact and you start to feel sick, please follow the steps in the LMU Together A-Z Index for Illness.

Close Contacts are now defined by the size of the venue shared with an infected individual:

  • Classrooms, Offices, Conference Rooms or Other Similar Sized Spaces (capacity: up to 30): If the individual shared the same indoor air space with the infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.
  • Dining Halls, Lecture Halls, Auditoriums, Larger Suites, and Other Large Indoor Spaces (capacity: greater than 30): If the individual was within 6 feet of the infected person for 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period.

This policy is subject to change as the university remains in alignment with changing guidance from public health authorities. For further information, please refer to the LMU Together A-Z Index.